B undle

Boundle binds the value of HTML elements to the global boundle JSON object. Simply include boundle.js after jquery, then add the data-boundle attribute to the HTML elements you'd like to synchronize; conversely, execute the boundleForms function to dynamically boundle any old HTML form.

This input's value can now be found in boundle.username.

You can also synchronize multiple HTML Element values with a single boundle by adding the data-boundle-to attribute to the source HTML Element: .

Boundle automatically handles what value to synchronize from different HTML elements.

This checkbox returns true or false in boundle.remember
This radio returns true or false in boundle.on
This radio returns true or false in boundle.off
This textarea's value can now be found in boundle.details
The value of this select's chosen option can now be found in boundle.selection

Boundle can also synchronize static text and HTML elements with the contenteditable attribute like this.

Unboundled Form

When a boundable element doesn't have an id or name attribute (ex: "Remember Me" field) its data-boundle attribute values follows the following convention: boundle-{[data-boundle].length}.

The following input element types aren't boundable:

  • password
  • button
  • submit
  • hidden